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Every teacher should be able to connect careers with the academic skills they are teaching.

Every teacher should be able to answer the question, “Why do I have to learn this?” with a workplace-related response. 

About Me

Ellen Baxt has worked in the City University of New York, the Brooklyn Public Library, New York City community based organizations and at language schools in Northeast Brazil, as an ESOL instructor, program designer, student advisor, curriculum and professional developer.  


After over a decade in adult education, she shifted her focus from language instruction and advising to incorporating career exploration into all levels of education. 


She writes career exploration curriculum, provides professional development and coaching to middle school, high school and adult learning programs. She draws on experience as both a teacher and advisor to integrate academic and social-emotional skills into the study of careers.

Ellen Baxt. ESOL instructor, program designer, student advisor, curriculum and professional developer.
Core Beliefs

Core Beliefs

All students have a right to dream. Schools must provide opportunities for informed dreaming and planning.

Career education is the job of teachers as well as counselors and to create career-forward schools, everyone must be involved.

Students can learn about careers while simultaneously practicing academic skills, when we integrate the study of careers across agency  programming.

Students should be in the driver's seat of career decision making by learning career research skills. 

Families should have access to as much information about careers as their students have. 

Every teacher should be able to explain how the skill and content they are teaching appears in the workplace.

Education and industry should be in partnership, with industry informing educational offerings and education creating trained talent pools.


Let's connect!

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